Undergraduate training
At present, the university has 67 undergraduate majors, covering 11 disciplines, including 16 humanities majors, 18 social sciences majors, 21 science and technology majors, and 12 arts majors, forming a discipline pattern with humanities and social sciences majors as the main body, and science, engineering, economics, management and law majors developing comprehensively。3 majors were selected into the national "Strong base Plan", approved 32 national first-class professional construction points, 19 first-class professional construction points in Beijing, and 1 first-class major construction in Beijing。
Postgraduate training
Graduate Training
The graduate education of Minzu University of China began in the 1950s, and has gone through a glorious course of nearly 60 years from birth, development to expansion。The Graduate School of Minzu University of China closely focuses on the construction goal of a high-level research university, actively explores the cultivation of innovative talents, and strives for reform。In the recruitment, more attention is paid to the assessment of the basic quality and ability of scientific research, and actively explore the source of excellent students。In terms of training, optimize the training environment, guide graduate students, especially doctoral students, to do cutting-edge high-level research work, take various measures to ensure the quality of graduate training;Strengthen the world outlook, outlook on life, values and the Marxist nation...
Minzu University of China以全面贯彻党的十九大精神、深入学习习近平总书记关于人才工作系列重要讲话、围绕深入实施人才强国战略的要求为宗旨和目标,Under the guidance of the Office of the National Postdoctoral Committee and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,Under the leadership of the school Party Committee,We will innovate working mechanisms and strengthen service guarantees,Continue to strengthen the construction of postdoctoral mobile stations,Create a good environment for the development of postdocs。The university has five postdoctoral research stations, namely ethnology, sociology, Chinese Minority Language and Literature, Chinese history, and Philosophy。The subject of the station covers literature, history and philosophy...
Visiting scholar
Visiting scholar
To promote the school "double first-class" construction,We will accelerate the training of a group of young and middle-aged backbone teachers who have entered the international frontier,Improve the internationalization level and innovation ability of teachers,Optimize the structure of the teaching staff's academic qualifications and education background,Minzu University of China adheres to the principle of "adhering to the dispatch on demand, ensuring quality, and consistent study and application",Implementation of teacher internationalization and professional support plan。The dispatching plan shall be formulated according to the objectives of discipline construction, team construction, personnel training, scientific research and other actual work conditions, and the purpose and task of the selected personnel shall be clear. The selected personnel shall be trained by the school with solid professional skills, strong teaching and scientific research or educational management...
Overseas student
overseas student
The education of international students in Minzu University of China is an important part of the internationalization of the university's education。Minzu University of China has taken a number of measures to improve the quality of international student training under the guidelines of expanding the platform for cross-cultural exchange, accelerating the internationalization of higher education and creating a world-class university for nationalities。The University specially formulated the Development Plan of Education for Overseas Students in China of Minzu University of China (2014-2020), put forward the development strategy of international students' education, and constantly improved the system of international students' education management to ensure the quality and level of international students' training。At present, nearly 60% of the international students studying in Minzu University of China have bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees...
Continuing education
Continuing education
Continuing education at Minzu University of China began in the 1950s,In order to meet the urgent needs of regime construction and economic and cultural development in ethnic areas at that time,It is based on the training course for military and political cadres during the founding period of the school,Targeting the actual situation in ethnic minority areas,Take the form of lectures or special reports by foreign experts, teachers inside and outside the school and leading comrades of state organs,Carry out cadre training。By the early 1990s, nearly 150 dry training courses had been held, training more than 7,000 cadres, and a large number of trainees of the dry training Department had become heroes and role models on all fronts, making important contributions to national unity, border stability and modernization。
Minzu University of China本科生奖学金一览表序号项   目人数金额(元)/人设立单位1国家奖学金据当年指标评选8000教育部2国家励志奖学金据当年指标评选5000教育部3宝钢教育奖学金410000宝钢教育基金会4日本三菱东京日联银行奖学金303600日本UFJ国际财团5专业一等奖学金参评学生总数的约5.5% of the total number of students participating in the second-class scholarship of 6 majors of Minzu University of China.3%1200 Minzu University 7 Outstanding student cadres 3% of the total number of students participating 500 Minzu University graduate Scholarships List...
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Minzu University of China (56 Innovation),Open to all levels and types of students in the school,Including undergraduates, master's students (including MBA, MPA), doctoral students, international students, preparatory students, etc,Can even cover cross-school student teams involving our students (open),Teacher innovation and entrepreneurship are also included。Accept all ideas from students, including those that may not be realistic, and ultimately be tolerant and tolerant even if they fail。